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Creative Fire - Assignment Instructions


If you are the only person In your centre doing this course?
You can approach your centre manager and/or the room leader to seek support.

The centre manager or fellow teacher could:
  • Share their perspectives on how to apply the new idea
  • Support you in the planning (i.e do you apply it to an interaction you have already planned? or make a new one?)
  • Help you determine the best time to apply it in your usual program

If you have other colleagues doing this course?
You can work with your colleagues online (using the learning platform chat, or video conferencing) or in-person

Your colleagues could:
  • Share their perspectives on how to apply the new idea
  • Support you in the planning (i.e do you apply it to an interaction you have already planned? or make a new one?)
  • Help you determine the best time to apply it in your usual program

Assignment Logic

Working through your assignment is very simple and familiar.
You follow the planning cycle!

Observe an Interaction

Each member of your group must observe one play session containing 1- 4 children.
You can make a video recording of the event, share the video with your online course group.
You will be require to have collaboration session in-person (or on-line) to observe the videos,
and observe which elements of the the fun loop happen (record).

Assess the Interactions

Write down (record) the things in the environment?
What caused the element of surprise?
What predictable situations switched off their attention?
At what point did you see that 4th step “Reward - do it again!”.

Design a New Interaction

Consider the knowledge you gained in the assess phase.
Begin to design a small interaction, something that is science related and fits into your current focus.

Note: you are focusing on creativity!

Provide a balance between child-led and adult initiated and guided play.
Use the fun loop to guide your design and manage the emotional kick in the learning.
As a group (in-person or online) brainstorm creative ideas.

Here is a question to kickstart your brainstorming session.
How can you animate the EYLF outcome 4.1 using the fun loop?
In particular the key words in bold.

EYLF Outcome 4.1:
Children develop a growth mindset and learning dispositions such as curiosity, cooperation, confidence, creativity, commitment, enthusiasm, persistence, imagination and reflexivity.

Some additional questions
  • what potential does their environment have?
  • in what ways can I show my creativity in my teaching?
  • what do the children know?
  • what don't they know?
  • how can I use the element of surprise to inspire laughter, creativity thinking, or curiosity?

Action Your Plan

Simply do it!

Reflect on the Outcomes

This is where you look back on how the fun loop influenced the learning outcomes and the 
learning dynamics. And this is one of the sections that is copied/pasted when you submit your assignment.